2025 Prestigious travelling scholarships

This is a preview of the Application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.


The Prestigious Travelling Scholarships program are available to students who intend to undertake study at an education institution outside of Australia ('overseas institution').

Before you complete this application form, please read the eligibility and selection criteria for each scholarship. See: Prestigious Travelling Scholarships 

You will be asked to provide the following documents:

  1. Academic transcripts for study not completed at the University of Melbourne
  2. Evidence that you have applied for admission or an arrangement to undertake research at an overseas institution:
  3. Your Curriculum Vitae with details of your educational and employment history, any significant scholarships, prizes and extracurricular activities (if applicable)

Your details

Your University of Melbourne Student ID if known/applicable

Basic eligibility

Have you applied for a graduate coursework or research degree at an education institution outside of Australia? * Required
Have you graduated or do you expect to graduate this year from the University of Melbourne? * Required

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Have you graduated or do you expect to graduate this year from the University of Melbourne?" on page 1

Have you graduated or do you expect to graduate this year from another Australian university?

Ineligibile (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Have you applied for a graduate coursework or research degree at an education institution outside of Australia?" on page 1
  • "Have you graduated or do you expect to graduate this year from another Australian university?" on page 1

You do not meet the eligibility requirements and cannot be considered for the prestigious traveling scholarships.